
1825 Old Map of the Survey across the Isthmus of Cape Cod

# MACC10
1825 Old Map of the Survey across the Isthmus of Cape Cod

This map of the proposed Cape Cod Canal is titled: Survey across the Isthmus of Cape Cod, State of Massachusetts (MA), and Town of Sandwich of a proposed Canal between Buzzards Bay and Barnstable Bay, 1825." Includes a Tide Table for Barnstable Bay and a Tide Table for Buzzards Bay.

Drawn by Lt. Thompson, Etched by Lt. Farley by order of the Eng. Dept.; Surveyed under the direction of Maj. Terault U.S.T.E., by Lt. Searle, 6th Art. V., Lt. Smith, 7th Artillery, Lt. Thompson, 5th Infantry v.
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