
1722 Old MAP of Boston (the Town of Boston,) by Capt John Bonner 1722. (Massachusetts (MA))

# MAS001
1722 Old MAP of Boston (the Town of Boston,) by Capt John Bonner 1722. (Massachusetts (MA))

Reproduced from the 1835 print of Captain John Bonner's map originally published in 1722. Shows the "footprint" of all the buildings in Boston. Wharves, hills, and shipyards are located and named. Also shown: rope walks, watch house, burying place, schools, the Common, copper works, and tall ships in the harbor. A chart gives the dates when many buildings were built, and when great fires and small pox epidemics occurred. No family names.

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Forest Green Mat  $18.00
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Brick Red Mat  $18.00
Black Mat  $18.00