
1871 MAP of Martha's Vineyard and the Elizabeth Islands (Cuttyhunk, Nashawena, Pasque, Gosnold, Penikese)

1871 MAP of Martha's  Vineyard  and the Elizabeth Islands (Cuttyhunk, Nashawena, Pasque, Gosnold, Penikese)
Reproduced from the 1871 Wallings & Gray Atlas of Massachusetts (MA). No family names but many localities identified: : Sandy Cove, Deep Bottom Cove, Great Thumb Cove, Waquataqua or Lagoon Pond, Holmes Hole Harbor, West Chop, West Chop Lightk, East Chop, Oyster Pond, Peaked Hill, Prospect Hill, Cape Higgen, Squibhocket Beach, Old Man Rocks, No Man's Land, Middletown, Christiantown, Indian Hill, Cedar Tree Neck, Lombards Cove, Sheep-shear Pond, Cape Page, Kettle Cove, Robinson's Hole, etc. 
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