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1. Ulster County - Principal Manufacturers, Merchants and Farmers 1875
2. Rates of Toll on Navigable Canals for 1841
3. A description of the town of Ira in Cayuta County, written in 1867-8
1. This issue starts out with some listings from the F. W. Beers 1875 Atlas of Ulster County, New York called "The Principal Manufacturers, Merchants and Farmers of Ulster County, New York. The listings are divided by towns, and within towns by villages. The person's name is given, and then the business they are engaged in. Most are brief; some have interesting details.
The Principal Manufacturers, Merchants and Farmers of Ulster County, New York, from the 1875 Atlas of Ulster County, by F. W. Beers
D. Gillett, Supervisor
L. Hammond, Propr. Dewittville Tannery
B. Beers, Propr. Dewittville Hotel
B. D. Barnes, Farmer, 53 acres
Johnson Bros., Lumbermen and Farmers
Anthony Myers, Hardenburg Patent, Grat Lot 6, Sub. Div. 66; 210 acres
R. T. Many, Farmers, 130 acres
M. & M. parker Bros., Manufrs and Dealers in all kinds of Billed Lumber, Shingles, Lath and Turned work, Dist. No. 4
A. Schwab, Lot. No. 6, Hardenburg patent, Farmers, 100 acres
I. & G. Hamilton, manufrs of Patent Slide Ox Yokes, Handles, and Turned Woodwork of every description. P. O., Claryville, Sullivan Co., N.Y.
Arthur Conklin, Proprietor of Tray Mill
Albert van Dover, Justice of the peace, Denning Tract, 125 acres
W. G. Saterlee, Saw Mill; Manufr and Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber
J. H. Prothero, Manufr and WHolesale Dealer in all kinds of Billed Lumber, Shingles and TUrned work, &c., &c.
Henry Aldrich, Famer, Denning Tract; 187 acres
Albert Griswold, farmer, 136 acres
Jacob Coddington, Manufr and Dealer in all kinds of Billed Lumber. Orders filled on shortest notice
Elizar Brooks, Farmer, 134 acres
Michael Ryan, Boarding House and Sawyer
Port Ewen
A. L. Anderson propr Steamer ÒMary Powell,Ó running daily from Kingston to New York and return
Edward McKenzie, Physician and Surgeon
P. A. Schryver, Post Master, and Dealer in General Merchandise
Rev. M. H. Phelan, pastor of Presentation Church
R. C. Rouse, Dealer in General Merchandise
John . Woodward, teacher
B. Terpening, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, provisions, Notions, Hardware, Wood, Glassware, Drugs, Medicines, paints, Oils, &c., &c, - in fact a full assortment to be found in a Country Store, Supervisor
John L. Hutchings, Farmer, 150 acres
E. & J. E. Van Aken, farmers, 130 acres
H. & E. Van Aken, Farmers, 175 acres
Chas. Houghtaling, farmer; farm for sale . A valuable piece of poperty, laying 2 1/2 miles from Kingston; 32 acres of Wood, 53 acres of Tillable and Meadow land, Good Buildings, well stocked with Apples, Pears, and other Fruit Trees; splendid Vineyard and plenty of Berries and other small Fruit; 85 acres. Address, Chas. Houghtaling, Port Ewen, N.Y.
A. Neise, Farmer, 110 acres
Oscar Ames, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes &c.
George Kay, Manufr of Pocket Cutlery
Charles R. Atkins (C. Atkins & Son Wagon and Sleigh Manufacturers
William W. Wise, Engineer
Norman Cole, farmer and Custom Miller, 35 acres
S. W. Humphrey, Farmer 120 acres
George C. Relyea, Farmer, 83 acres
David Polhamus, Farmer, 120 acres
Sanford Wakeman, Farmer
Reuben Palmteer, Market Gardener
Johannis Sleght, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, on the Dock, opposite of Rondout
A. Tremper, Propr of Steamboat
William C Sleight, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries and Provisions
H. C. Connelly, State Senator; Coment manufacturer, and merchant
Thomas H. Cornell, Dealer in Coal and general merchandise
H. L. Manning, Manufr and Dealer in Parlor and Cook Stoves, Japan, Planished, Stamped Tin, Sheet Iron and copperware, Tin Roofing, Gutters, leaders, Hardware, &c., Eddyville, near Dock
John G. Freer, Farmer and Commissioner of highways, 165 acres
L. L. Osterhoudt, Post Master
William T. Demarest, Farmer and merchant Miller, 190 acres
David Lovelace, Machinist
Josiah Keator, Farmer and Hotel Proprietor, 102 acres
A. M. Norris, Farmer and Dealer in General merchandise; Post Master and Propr of Ulster Park Hotel, 250 acres
Lewis Hardenburgh, Farmer, 219 acres
J. M. Dolson, Propr of GUilford Hotel. Pleasantly located, 1 1/2 miles from GardinerÕs Station, on the Wallkill Valley R.R.; a delightful Summer resort
Levi Van Keuren
T. Barlow, Farmer 349 acres
A. S. Schoonmaker, Farmer, 120 acres
F. S. McKinstry.
James S. Du Bois.
A. & D. McKinstry, Manufrs of leaher and Dealers in Hides
P. B. Hasbrouck, farmer, and manufr of Pure Cider Brandy, 226 acres
Lewis Hasbrouck, AttyÕy and Counsel at Law
A. L. F. Deyo, farmer, 162 acres
W. A. Jones, Ticket Agent for Wallkill Valley R.R.
Daniel W. Hasbrouck, Farmer. Land particularly adapted to Grass, Grain, and Fruit. Beautifully located in the Valley of the Wallkill. Delightful Climate; convenient to Schools and Churches; plenty of Springs and Streams.
Henry traphagen, farmer, 80 acres
Henry L. Du Bois, farmer, Farm fine; Dairy and Grain land on banks of Wallkill, one mile from Forrest Glen Station; 121 acres
Lambert Jenkins, Famer, 200 acres
B. T. Jenkins, Farmer
Alfred Deyo, Farmer, 179 acres
Jonathan Deyo, Farmer. Choice Grain and Dairy Farm, 1 1/2 miles from Gardiner Station, located on Banks of Wallkill; 248 acres.
Z. F. Dubois, Farmer, 193 acres
James Murdock, Shin Creek, Sullivan Co, Dealer in Lumber, farmer, and Summer Resort, 2000 acres
Jeremiah Sliter, dealer in Lumber and Shingles, Farmer, 48 acres
Hooper C. Tripp, Farmer, 197 acres
Jones Brothers, General manufrs and dealer sin all kinds of hard and Soft Wood lumber and Shingles, 270 acres
Hiram Graham, Farmer, 570 acres
Samuel M. Seager, Dealer in Lumber and Farmer, 137 acres
Judson Haynes, Farmer, 430 acres
A. J. Todd, Farmer, 100 acres
Peter Crispell, Jr., Farmer
John W. Elmendorf, Farmer
Henry Steward, Farmer
A. B. Houghtaling, Manufr and Dealer in all kinds of carriages, wagons and Sleighs; General Blacksmithing, horse Shoeing, &c., &c. Repairing done to order on short notice.
L. M. Van Sickles, Popr of Old Hurley Hotel; Bar always stocked with choice Wines, liquors and Segars. Table supplied with all delicacies of the Season. This Hotel was erected in 1716, being the oldest Hotel in this part of the State.
J. E. McPheron.
J. V. V. Kenyon. Attoney and Counselor at Law. Collections duly attended to. Returns promptly made; terms reasonable.
H. E. Dyer, blacksmithing, general jobbing and horse Shoeing. (A specialty made of Shoeing Interfering Horses.)
Horace Maxon, Contractor and builder. Jobbing done at short notice, and reasonable rates.
Augustus H. Sutton, Propr of Hotel. The best of Wines, Ales, Liquors and Segars constantly on hand
John A. Elmendorf, Farmer, 48 acres
Ten Eyck De Witt, Farmer
M. Hornbeck, Farmer
Mrs. Titus Myer, Farmer
W. P. Cole, Farmer
David E. Woolsey, farmer, 117 acres
C. Garrison, Farmer and Dealer in pure Milk, warranted to be at test Purity. Customers promptly attended to
E. Buckley, Farmer
Solomon D. Crispell, Vineyard containing 15 acres. choice Grapes put up in bes order for Shipment, in their season
G. Smith, Farmer
W. Dubois, Farmer
John Crispell, Famer in town of Kingson; 60 acres
J. C. Hardenburgh, Propr of Hardenburgh Hotel, near N.Y. K. & S. R.R. Bar stocked with choice Wines, Liquors, Ales and Segars. table furnished with delicacies in their Season; splendid accommodation for Summer Boarders; Livery attached
Moses Conger, Attorney and Counselor at Law
E. H. Farrington, Physician and Surgeon
Lucius Lawson, Quarryman and Real Estate Dealer
Francis I. Gallagher, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Stoves and Hardware
William Stewart, farmer
Clavin Burhans, (Firm of Birger and Burhans) Dealer in general Merchandise, Drugs, medicines, Flour, Feed, &c., &c. r. R. Avenue
D. C. Griffin, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Propr of Griffin House, Is prepared to accommodate city Boaders; always has on hand choice Wines, Liquors and Segars, &c. Table supplied with every delicacy in its Season; healthy location, near R.R. Depot at West Hurley
R. Walsh, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital medical college
Charles Waters, Contractor and Builder. Orders solicited; Work warranted to be done as per agreement, at short notice and reasonable rates
A. C. Scism, West Hurley Primary School
George Lynes, Operator and Station Agent at West Hurley
Nathan Richardson, manufacturer of RichardsonÕs Ointment for Salt Rheum, Piles, White Swellings and other eruptions. Also, RichardsonÕs Cough Balsam, always gives the best satisfaction
Washington Russell, Farmer, 150 acres
John Bonesteel, Farmer, 140 acres
William Young, Quarryman, Real Estate Dealer, 46 Lots for sale in the Village of West Hurley; 100 feet Front, ranging from 180 to 200 feet deep; price from $50 to $250 each
Martin Eckert, Farmer, 32 acres
B. A. Vradenburgh, Farmer, 112 acres
Phillip Brower, 150 acres
A. A. Castle, Farmer, 86 acres
M. Snyder, Farmer, 93 acres
W. Saxe, Farmer, 110 acres
D. Hogan, Farmer, 43 acres
J. Russell, Farmer, 125 acres
Joseph Boise, Farmer, 46 acres
Giles Greene, Farmer, 190 acres
J. H. Moore, Farmer, 198 acres
William Miller, Farmer
John Fisher, Farmer and Quarryman, and Dealer in Blue Stone, 40 acres
Ferris A. Rosa, Assistant
Kate E. Nash.
Rev. S. Mackin, Clergyman
Dwight Marsh, Station Agent and Operator.
Henry C. Bush, Dealer in General Merchandise.
R. W. Smith, Supervisor and Farmer; 32 acres
A. K. Van Gaasbeck, Farmer, and Captain of Isaac M. North; 48 acres
Edward Cahill, Farmer
James Kiersted, Farmer
J. P. Folant, Contractor and Builder
Jacob W. Brink, Farmer
Emeline, Brown, Farmer
W. T. B. Sharp, Farmer
James H. Gaddis, Farmer
Dr. Wm. H. Lake, Indian Root and herb Doctor
Maria A. Lawson.
John O. Legg, Dealer in Flour, Feed, &c.; Manufr of Spokes, Dist. No. 4
Charles Burhans, Farmer
James Wells, Farmer and Horticulturist
Peter G. Burhans
Bradley Burhans.
D. B. Hendricks, Carpenter and Farmer
T. Wynkoop, Farmer
Nicholas Nicks, Farmer
Henry A. Stone, Market Gardener and Florist
Howard Tipp, Farmer and manufr of Lumber
John Legg, Farmer, Dist. No. 4
James F. Osterhoudt, Farmer, Dist. No. 4
Peter V. D. Lockwood, Farmer, Dist. No. 4
H. M. Brink, Dealer in general Merchandise
Elizabeth Flogans, Hotel
Frank Young, Quarryman
Henry Young, Hotel
Bernard Byrne, Propr Stone Quarry
Conrad Young, Propr Stone Quarry
John R. Shurter, Farmer
Frederick Marks, Teamster
James M. Smith, Teamster
O. H. Brigham, Cigar Manufacturer
S. D. Neice.
D. D. Addis, Agent Newark Ice Co.
J. H. Streeter, Manufr Brick and Lime
Charles McCrief, Stone Quarry
Michael McCormick, Quarryman
Mrs. Sarah Murphy, Stone Quarry
John McVey, Florist and Market Gardener
Mathew Garry, Hotel
E. M. Brigham, Cement Manufacturer
William Vanaken, Farmer and Stone Quarry
Attorneys and Counselors at Law:
O. P. Carpenter, District Attorney, Fair Street, near Main
J. M. Cooper, Attorney at Law, Savings Bank Building
E. A. Durham, Attorney at Law, John St., near Wall
Charles A. Fowler, Attorney at law, Fair St., near Main
Wm. S. Kenyon, Attorney at Law, Savings Bank Building
A. J. Mellon, Attorney at Law, corner Mill and Division Sts.
Wm. Lownsbery, Attorney at Law, Savings Bank Building
Parker & Kenyon, Attorneys at Law, Wall Street, near John
C. M. Preston, Attorney at Law, over Ulster Market, Rondout
A. Schoonmaker, Jr., Attorney at Law, Cor. John and Crown Sts.
S. L. Stebbins, Attorney at Law, cor. Union Ave. and Strand, Rondout
J. E. Van Eiten, Attorney at Law, John St.
F. L. Westbrook, Attorney at law, Wall St.
T. R. Westbrook, Attorney at Law, Wall St.
E. S. Wood, Attorney at Law, Cor. Strand and Union Ave., Rondout
Geo. C. Woolsey, Attorney at Law, Rondout, near Mansion House
J. M. Van Wagonen, District Attorney, John St.
M. C. D. Van Wagoner, Attorney, John St.
Bernard & Fiero, Attorneys, Main St.
Simon S. Westbrook, opposite Court House
National Ulster County Bank, Incorporat4ed 1831; Capital $150,000. Conelius Bruyn, Pres.; Charles D. Bruyn, Cashier.
National Bank of Rondout. Incorporated 1848; Capital $200,000. Jansen Hasbrouck, Pres.; E. B. Newkirk, Cashier.
First National Bank of Rondout. Organized 1853; capital $300,000. Thos. Cornell, Pres.; Chas. Bray, Cashier
Kingston National Bank, Organized 1836; Capital $150,000. C. H. Van Gaasbeck, Pres.; N. E. Brodhead, Cashier
John Pfrommer, Union Ave. near Union St., Rondout
E. Winter, Music Hall, John St.
F. S. Wynkoop, Jr., Wall Street, near John Street
BOOTS AND SHOES - Wholesale and Retail
A. M. Low, No. 19 Wall Street
Geo. Maier, No. 78 North Front St.
Masten & Hayes, No. 8 Wall Street
Terry Brothers, Rondout Steep Rocks
John H. Cordts & Co., Kingston Point, Rondout
L. R. Van Wagonen, Corner Pine and Bowery
A. E. Van Gaasbeck, Union Avenue near City Hall
Charles Minor, Union Avenue, near Chestnut Street
James Cramer, Catharine St., N.K. & S. R.R. Depot
J. P. Curtis, Union Ave. near Toll Gate
Walker & Van Gaasbeck, Manufrs and Dealers in Fine Carriages, Wagons and Sleighs, Kingston, N.Y.
Burhams & Felton, Cor. Union Avenue and Main Street
walter B. Crane, Dealer in Yellow Pine and Cypress Lumber, &c. Yard, foot of Abruyn St. on Columbus Ave. Also, Deler in Coal
D. C. overbaugh, Dealer in Coal and lumber. Office, Union Ave.
A. & F. M. Barth, Manufrs and Dealers in choice Foreign and Domestic Cigars, Plain and Fancy Pipes, Cigar Holders, all brands of Smoking Tobacco, &c., Corner Abeel and Home St., Rondout
C. D. Edmonston, Strand, opp. Rhinebeck Ferry
Geo. G. Liscomb, Also Manufr of Soda Water, Strand and Ferry Sts.
Turck and Burhams, Strand St., rondout
FLOUR AND FEED - Wholesale
Everett & Treadwell, 3, 4, an d7 North Front Street
John Derrenbacher, Cor. ravine and Abeel St., Rondout
Robt. W. Kerr, Hasbrock Avenue, near Strand, Rondout
De Witt & Gillespie, 12 Wall Street
Hermance Newton & Co., St. James St. near Union Ave.
Blackwell Gross & Co., Union Ave.
McEntee & Dillon, Proprs Rondout Iron Works, manufrs of Steam Engines, boilers, Mill Gearing, &c., Garden St., Rondout
C. P. Ridenour, No. 21 Wall St.
J. D. Sleight, 22 Wall St.
Frank M. Nestell, Fair Street, opposite Music Hall. Dealer in Lamps; work attended to in any part of the country
J. S. Burhans, Clinton Avenue, near earl
GROCERIES - Commission.
L. D. Hoornbeck, Ferry St., Rondout. Groceries and Crockery and Glassware
Winchell & Newkirk, 10 Wall St.
De Witt & Gillespie, 12 wall Street
Merrihew, Hommel & Dunwoody, Washington Ave.
Wm. H. Dennis, Manufr and Dealer in Light and heavy harness, Whips, lashes, Brushes, Curry Combs, Cords, Trunks, Valises, Horse clothing, &c., Abeel Street, near Division, Rondout
Sahler, Reynolds & Du Bois, Corn. Wall and North Front Sts.
Burhans & Oliver, North Front St.
A. A. Crosy & Co., Cor. Union Avenue and Strand, Rondout
A. Dodge cor. Strand and Ferry Sts., Rondout
BrownÕs Hotel, Wm. B. Webb. Propr., Crown St., bet. John and North Front Sts., Kingson. This Hotel has been newly renovated and furnished with modern improvements. Rooms new furnished and the Hotel in complete order for the traveling public. Being located in the Business part of the city, it offers great inducements for Agents and others doing business in the City. The Proprietor will be on hand ready to welcome Guests and make them feel at home while stopping at this Hotel.
City Hotel, on Clinton Avenue, head of Main St., Kingston City. M. D. Perrine, Propr. This Hotel has been lately refitted with all the modern improvements; being centrally located, is in close proximity to the Banks, Court House, Clerks & SurrogateÕs Offices, and Business portion of the City. The location also commands a fine view of the City and surrounding country, including the Catskill Mountains; is also near the Depots of N.Y.K. & Syracuse and Wallkill Valley rail Roads; Stages connecting with Ellenville Mountain Home and Mountain House stop at this Hotel. Omnibus daily to and from Steamer Mary Powell and all R.R. Trains. The best of Stables and Livery attached.
Eagle Hotel, Main Street, Kingston, N.Y. C. C. Winne, Proprietor; Len. Perry, Clerk. newly furnished and renovated. Passengers on the Horse cars get off Cor. of Fair and Main Sts.
Excelsior House, Rondout. Peter Weaver, Proprietor.
Mathew Gary, Hotel, E. Kingston
Hamilton House, Thomas Hamilton, Proprietor, Union Ave. Libery and Sale Stable, Rondout
Mansion House, Rondout. W. H. Degarmo, Proprietor
P. J. O. Pray, Rondout City Hotel. Located near Steamboat Dock Strand; Bar stocked with choice Liquors, Wines and Cigars; Table spread with all delicacies; Meals ready, and Guests called for all early trains, making it a first-class place for Agents stopping in the City; good accommodations for Boarders.
Sutton House, Cornelius B. Sutton, Propr. The best Wines, Ales, Liquors and Cigars constantly on hand, and good Board at reasonable rates. $1.00 per day charged parties attending Court.
C. S. Clay , Wall Street, near John
Hiram Roosa, Union Ave., Rondout, near Mansion House
Stow & Benson, Cor. Union Avenue and Strand, Rondout
John B. Alliger, Newkirk Building, Union Ave., Rondout
Wm. H. Fredenburgh, Main Street, near Fair. Insurance and Real Estate Agency, representing more Companies and a larger combined cash capital than any other Agency in Ulster county.
Noone & Madden, Wilbur, Kingston P.O.
Allen Brothers, Dealers in all kinds of Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Shingles, Lath, &c. Cor. Strand and Abruyn Street, Roadout
John Gill, Chestnut, near Union.
Fisher & Stone, 35 Wall Street
C. S. Stillwell, 104 North Front Street
B. Snyder, Linderman Avenue
Dr. Kennedy, Physician and Surgeon. Particular attention paid to treating all Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Kingston, Rondout, N.Y.
E. L. Donaldson, Columbus Ave.
Ed. Lewis, Cor. Wall and john St., over Demmick, Burhans & WebsterÕs
R. Loughran, Fair St. near John
E. Eltinge, Junction of Clinton Ave. and North Front St.
S. N. Shaffer, Wilbur
W. Van Renssalaer, Union Avenue, bet. St. James and Elmendorf
Wm. D. L. Montanye, Strand, Rondout
Ingalls, F. W., Fair St., near Main
B. Loughran, 106 North Front Street and Strand, Rondout. Country houses fitted with all conveniences of City Sewllings, with both Gas and Water; PlumbersÕ Materials of all descriptions.
John Pettit, Wilbur Park Road
Rowley & Longyear, Main Street, near door to Eagle Hotel
Singer Sewing Machine, C. S. Stilwell, Manager, 104 North Front St.
Howe Sewing Machine, Wm. J. Winn, Manager, Main Street, opp. Eagle Hotel
Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co., Sewing Machine, Ira Mowel, Manager for the County, 68 North Front St.
Kingston Savings bank. Henry C. Connelly, Pres.; A. T. Newton, 1st Vice-Pres.; F. W. Ingalls, 2nd Vice-Pres.; W. H. Finch, Treas. Six per cent interest, free from Government Tax, paid on all sums from $1 to $5,000. Interest allowed from first of each month.
Ulster County Savings Bank, Organized June, 1851. Jansen Hasbrouck, Pres.; James E. Ostrander, Treas.; Caleb S. Clay, SecÕy.
Samuel Dobbs, Ann Street, bet. Union and Mill
H. M. Bentell, Clinton Ave., near Bowery
T. W. Wadsworth, Mill St., near Union Ave., Rondout
J. Mills & Bo., Wilbur
N. Booth, Wilbur
D. P. Hallahan, Superintendent, Wilbur
Thos. Booth, Wilbur
James Sweeney, Wilbur
D. E. Donovan, Wilbur
S. & W. B. Fitch, Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of North River Blue Stone, Also, Blue Bsalt Rock, City Kingston, Wilbur. Office, 24 Murray St., New York.
Mrs. E. Sweeney, Wholesale Dealer in North River Blue Stone, Wilbur, New York Office, 229 Broadway.
Michael Hannahan, Wholesale Dealer in North River Blue Stone, Wilbur. Office, MechanicsÕ and TradersÕ Exchange, 24 Murray St., New York
Lewis Blue Stone Works, E. Lewis, Agent. manufrs and Wholesale Dealers in North River Blue Stone. Sawed Planed, Rubbed and Fine Cut Stones of all kinds constantly on hand or cut to order.
J. & J. McCausland, Ship Builders. Patentees for McCauslandÕs Solid Bilge for Vessels, Steam Floating Dock, &c., Rondout
Allen Brothers, Cor Strand and Abruyn St.
P. Gallagher, North Front St., near Fair.
Thos. L. Southwick, 85 North Front St.
Geo. B. Styles, 27 Wall St.
Safford & Carter, 26 Wall St.
Jno. T. Bond, Main St., near Clinton Ave.
James Ballard, Veterinary Surgeon, Clinton Ave., near Bwery
R. C. Barrett, Supt. of Schools
Daniel Bradbury, Post Master
Charles Bray, Cashier First National Bank of Rondout
E. M. Brigham, Union Ave., near Bowery
Briggs & Cummings, cement manufacturers, Wilbur
John W. Cole, Farmer, Washington Ave., Hegginsville
A. Crispell, M.D., Lackawanna St., near Mansion House
H. G. Crouch, Propr Kingston ÒArgusÓ
Charles Curtis, Principal Kingston Academy
H. D. Darrow, Teacher, North Front School No. 8
Rev. James Dougherty, Cor. pearl and Wall Sts
Delaware & Hudson Canal Co., Rondout
Rev. Ignaz Delveaux, AssÕt, St. PeterÕs Church, Rondout
A. A. Deyo, Ex-Sheriff, Pearl, near Wall St.
Horatio Fowks, Editor ÒDaily Freeman,Ó Rondout
Freeman Printing & Publishing Association, Mill St., Rondout
Jacob M. Hasbrouck, Treasurer Ulster Co., John St.
Jansen Hasbrouck, Garden and Mill St., Rondout
John W. Kerr, Ex-Sheriff, John St., near Green
C. L. Kiersted, Farmer, Fox Hall Manor
William Lawton, Cor. of Union Ave. and Strand, Rondout
Peter D. Lefever, County Clerk
Jas. G. Lindsley, Major, Rondout
R. F. Maculey, Recorder, Main St., near clinton Ave.
Isaac D. L. Montanye, Supt. of Alms Office, Union Ave., neawr Toll Gate
Newark Lime & Cement Mfg. Co., Rondout
Rev. M. C. OÕFarrel, Catholic Priest, Union Ave., Rondout
John OÕRielly, Real Estate Dealer; City Lots for sale. Union Ave. near City Hall
T. P. Ostrander, Dentist, opp. Rondout Post Office
Silas Saxton, Sheriff, Court House
Geo. A. Shufeldt, Farmer, Fox Hall
Moses Stone, Elmendorf St.
E. Tompkins, at N.L. & C.Mfg. Co., Office, Rondout
William Van Allen, Kingston
C. Van Santvoord, Cor. Union Ave. and North Front St.
S. D. Coykendall. Thos. Cornell & Co., Proprs Steamboat Lines, Passenger, Freight and Towing
Charles Dreyfus, Broker and Dealer in Horses, Cattle, and all kinds of Stock, Abeel St.
John Weber, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Sausage, Poultry, &c.; Game in its Season, Corner Abeel St. and Union Avenue, Roudout
F. Weber & Son, Proprs Ulster Market, Ferry St. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Meat, Poultry, &c.; Rondout
Wm. Ostrander, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Game, &c., Strand, Rondout
John Hussey, Dealer in hats, caps, Furs, Trunks, &c., Corner Union Avenue and Strand, Rondout
Wm. Welch, Merchant Tailor and Dealer in Cloths, Cassimeres, GentsÕ Furnishing Goods, &c., Masonic Hall Buillding, Garden St., Rondout
Wm. Murray, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, Provisions, &c., Abeel Street, Rondout
James Glennon, Dealer in choice Family Groceries, Liquors, oats, Feed, Rope, &c., Strand, Rondout
John Maxwell, Dealer in choice Family Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Manilla, Rope, &c., Strand, Rondout. Agent for Quinn & Nolans Albany Ale
J. P. Curtis, United States Collector
H. R. Westbrook, Justice, Supreme Court
A. Osterhoudt, Supt. of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., Rondout
Turck & Burhans, Lumber Dealers, Strand St., Rondout
Geo. Woolsey, Rondout
A. H. Bruyn, Corner Pearl and Fair Streets
Rev. M. W. Newman, Union Ave., Rondout
Benedict Brothers, Union Ave., Rondout
Sampson & Ellis, Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, GentsÕ Furnishing Goods; Merchant Tailoring, &c., Cor. Union Avenue, Strand and Canal Sts.
John D. Sleight, Manufr and Dealer in Furniture, Pictures, Picture Frames, &c., Wall St.
More Ulster County listings in the next issue .... (to include Towns of Lloyd, Marlborough, Marbletown, New Paltz, Olive, Plattekill, Rochester, Rosendale, Shandaken, Shawangunk, Warwarsing, Woodstock, etc.)
2. Rates of Toll Established by the Canal Board, on Persons and Property transported on all the Navigable Canals of the State, for the Year 1841. (From "A Gazetteer of the State of New-York, published in 1842 by J. Disturnell.
(Prices are given as Cts., mills., fr.)
Provisions, &c.
1. On flour, salted beef and pork, butter, cheese, tallow, lard, beer and cider, per 1,000 pounds per mile ...... 0 4 5
2. On bran and ship-stuffs in bulk, per 1,000 ounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
Iron, Minerals, Ores, &c.
3. On salt manufactured in this state, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 2 3
4. On foreign salt, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 3 0 0
5. 1st. On gypsum, the product of this state, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 2 2
2nd. On foreign gypsum, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
6. On brick, sand, lime, clay, earth, leached ashes, manure and iron ore, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 2 3
7. On pot and pearl ashes, kept, charcoal, broken castings, and scrap iron, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
And on pig iron the same rate of toll except when cleared on the Oswego or Champlain canals, and going towards tide water, when it is to be charged per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 3 2
8. 1st. On mineral coal going towards tide water, or going north on the Champlain canal having come from the west, or going west from utica or from any point west thereof, or going upon any lateral canal; and on anthracite coal going from tide water, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 2 0
2d. On all other mineral coal than such as above specified, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
9. On stove and all other iron castings, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
10. On copperas and manganese, going towards tide water, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
11. On bar and pig lead, going towards tide water, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 2 0
12. On furs and peltry, (except deer, buffalo and moose skins,) per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 1 0 0
13. On deer, buffalo and moose skins, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 5 0
14. On sheep skins, and other raw hides of domestic animals of the United States, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
15. On imported raw hides, of domestic and other animals, per 1,000 pounds per mile .....0 5 0
Furniture, &c.
16. On household furniture, accompanied by, and actually belonging to, families emigrating, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
17. On carts, wagons, sleighs, ploughs and mechancs tools, necessary for the owners' individual use, when accompanied by the owner, emigrating for the purpose of settlement, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
Stone, Slate, &c.
18. On slate and tile for roofing, and stone ware, per 1,000 pounds, per mile ..... 0 4 5
19. On all stone, wrought or unwrought, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 2 3
Lumber, Wood, &c.
20. On timber, squared and round, per 100 cubic feet per mile, if carried in boats ..... 0 5 0
21. On the same, if caried in rafts, (except dock-sticks as in next item,) per 100 cubic feet per mile ..... 1 5 0
22. On round dock-sticks, passing in cribs separate from every other kind of timber, per 100 cubic feet per mile ..... 1 0 0
23. On blocks of timber for paving streets, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 1 0
24. 1st. on boards, plank, scantling and sawed timber, reduced to inch measure, and all siding lath and other sawed stuff, less than one inch thick, carried in boats, (except such as is enumerated in regulations number 26 and 35), per 1,000 feet per mile ..... 0 5 0
2d. On the same, if transported in rafts, per 1,000 feet per mile ..... 2 0 0
25. On mahogany, (except veneering), reduced to inch measure, per 1,000 feet per mile ..... 1 5 0
26. On sawed lath of less than five feet in length, split lath, hoop-poles, handspikes, rowing oars, broom-handles, spokes, hubs, tree-nails, felloes and boat-knees, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 2 0
27. On staves and heading, transported in boats, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 2 0
28. On the same, if transported in rafts, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 5 0
29. On shingles per M. per mile, carried in boats ..... 0 1 0
30. On the same, if conveyed in rafts, per M. per mile ..... 0 4 0
31. On split posts, (not exceeding 10 feet in length), and rails for fencing, (not exceeding 14 feet in length,) per M. per mile, carried in boats ..... 2 0 0
32. On the same, if conveyed in rafts, per M. per mile ..... 8 0 0
33. On wood for fuel, (except such as may be used in the manufacture of salt, which shall be exempt from toll), and tan bark, per cord per mile ..... 1 0 0
34. On the same if transported in rafts, per cord per mile ..... 2 0 0
35. On sawed stuff for window blinds, not exceeding one-fourth of an inch in thickness, and window sashes, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 5 0
Agricultural productions, &c.
36. On cotton and wool, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
37. On live cattle, sheep and hogs, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
38. On horses, (and each horse when not weighed, to be computed at 900 pounds), per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 5 0
39. On rags, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
40. On hemp, manila and unmanufactured tobacco, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
41. On pressed hay, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 2 3
42. On wheat and all other agricultural productions of the United States, nor particularly specified, and not being merchandise, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
43. On merchandise, per 1,000 pounds per mile, ..... 0 9 0
Articles not enumerated.
44. On all articles not enumerated or excepted, passing from tide water, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 9 0
45. On all articles not enumerated or excepted, passing towards tide water, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
Boats and passengers.
46. On boats, used chiefly for the transportation of persons navigating any of the canals except the Junction canal, per mile ..... 5 0 0
47. On boats, used chiefly for the transportation of persons, navigating the Junction canal, and not connected with regular lines of boats for the transportation of persons on the Erie or Champlain canals, per mile ..... 50 0 0
48. On boats, used chiefly for the transportation of property, per mile ..... 2 0 0
49. On all persons over ten years of age, per mile ..... 0 1 0
50. On articles of the manufacture of the United States, going towards tide water, athough they may be enumerated in the foregoing list, per 1,000 pounds per mile ..... 0 4 5
During the present year, there shall be allowed a drawback of seventy-three per cent in the amount of tolls paid on the transportation of mineral coal from the west to tide water or to the Junction canal, provided such coal shall be delivered at tide water, or at some point on the Junction canal, or on the Champlain canal; and the like drawback shall be allowed of seventy-three per cent on the amount of tolls paid on the transportation of anthracite coal from tide water to Utica, which shall be delivered at that place, or at any point west thereof; the amount of such drawback to be refunded to the persons paying the said tolls, under the direction of the commissioners of the canal fund, on the production of such evidence as they shall prescribe, of the said tolls having been paid, and of the delivery of such coal as herein provided.
3. A description of the town of Ira in Cayuga County, New York, from the Gazetteer and Business Directory of Cayuga County, N.Y., for 1867-8, compiled and published by Hamilton Child. ...
IRA was fomed from Cato, march 16, 1821, and a part re-annexed to that town in 1824. It is located on the east border of the county, north of he centre. The streams are creeks and small brooks, and the surface is rolling, the summits of the ridges rising 70 to 75 feet above the valleys, and 225 to 275 feet above the level of Lake Ontario. Red sandstone underlies the soil, which is a very productive sandy loam.
Ira centre, (Ira p.o.) the only village, contains 2 churches and about 130 inhabitants.
The first settlements were made by David, Eleazur and Andrew Stockwell, three brothers, from Whitehall, who settled on lot 58; Wm. Patterson, on lot 32, and Henry Conrad, (a German,) on the same lot, all in 1805. Among others who were early settled in this town we may mention Daniel parker, on lot 69, John C. Barnes and Rev. Silas Barnes, on lot 70, and Zadoc Barnes, on lot 83, all from marcellus, and Edward Wood from Sennett, on lot 89, in 1802; Archibald and Charles Green, on lot 70, in 1803; Eli mattison and Abraham Willey, from Connecticut, on lot 34; Henry Ferris and his son Augustus, from Saratoga county, on lot 72, in 1804; and Thomas Barnes, from Washington County, at Ira Corners, in 1805. Dr. Squire, the first physician, taught the first school, in 1805; David Stockwell kept the first inn, in 1800; Samuel and Israel Phelps the first store, at Ira Corners, in 1813, and John Hooker erected the first grist mill, in 1818. The first child born was Polly, daughter of David Stockwell, in April 1802; the first marriage was that of Eleazur Stockwell and Margaret Noble, March 7, 1802, and the first death that of the wife of Rev. Silas Barnes, in 1802. The first church (Cong.) was formed at Ira Corners, July 7, 1807, by Rev. Francis Pomeroy. Rev. Silas Barnes was the first preacher.
The census of 1865 gives the town an area of 21,902 acres.
Old maps of New York Towns -
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" Snippets of New York History " is published by Historical Ink, publishers of reproductions of old maps of towns and villages in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. See the list of available maps at
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