Reproductions of old maps of Massachusetts towns, villages and cities. Most of the maps show the family name on each house. Also shown: schools, churches, saw- and grist-mills, shops and factories, livery stables, railroad tracks and stations, etc.
Barnstable County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Barnstable County published in 1880 by G. H. Walker.
Berkshire County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Berkshire County published in 1876 by F. W. Beers.
Bristol County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Bristol County, published in 1871 by F. W. Beers.
Essex County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Essex County published in 1872 by D. G. Beers.
Franklin County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Franklin County published in 1871 by F. W. Beers.
Hampshire County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Hampshire County published in 1873 by F. W. Beers.
Hampden County maps are from the Atlas of Hampden County published in 1870 by F. W. Beers.
Middlesex County maps are from the Atlas of Middlesex County published in 1875 by F. W. Beers.
Norfolk County maps are from the Atlas of Norfolk County published in 1876 by Comstock & Cline.
Plymouth County maps are from the Atlas of Plymouth County published in 1879 by Geo. H. Walker.
Worcester County maps are from the Atlas of Worcester County published in 1870 by F. W. Beers.
Suffolk County maps are from various sources, as noted in each map's description.
Also see our Town Descriptions for Massachusetts. These are excerpts from the Gazetteer of Massachusetts, writtene in 1873 by the Rev. Elias Nason, describing the towns as they were then.
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A description of Worcester County published in 1873:
Worcester County was incorporated April 2, 1731, and contains 192,718 inhabitants, with a valuation of $131,022,996. It extends entirely through the State from north to south, and embraces an area of about 1,500 square miles. The surface is undulating, broken, and varied by several prominent elevations. Mount Wachusett, in the town of Princeton, has an atitude of 2,480 feet; Asnebumsket Hill, in Paxton, of 1,407 feet; Hawe;s Hill, in Barre, of 1,284 feet; Tufts Hill, in New Braintree, of 1,179 feet; and Hatchet Hill, in Southbridge, of 1,016 feet, above sea-level.
The principal rivers are the Nashua, flowing north-easterly into the Merrimack; the French and the Blackstone, draining the south-easterly sections of the county; the Chicopee and Miller's River, flowing westerly into the Connecticut River. These streams, together with their numerous tributaries, afford a vast hydraulic power, which is, for the most part, utilized. The county is intersected by various railroad and telegraphic lines, rendering communication with the shire-towns, Worcester and Fitchburg, and also with the other cities of the state and county, easey and immediate.
The geological formation is, for the most part, calcareous and ferruginous gneiss, Merrimack schist, and the St. John's group. In these meta morphic rocks occurs a great variety of curious and interesting minerals. The flora is rich and varied; and the farms, especially in respect to the produce of the dairy, are equal, if not superior, to those of any other county in the State. The county has 865 public schools, six incorporated academies, and one college.
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Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1879 Atlas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts (MA) by George H. Walker
$12.00 - $18.00
This old map of Onset Bay Grove Association in Wareham, Massachusetts, was published in 1878 by J. E. Starbuck, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, corner of Hancock & Granite Streets, Quincy, Massachusetts. The map shows lot numbers and street names but no family names. Also shown: the Camp Ground, Longwood Park, Wabasso Park, Wabun Grove, fBay View Grove, Pavilion Park, Prospect Park, Shell's Point, the Grove for Hitching Horses, Onset Bay, Shell Point Bay, East River, and Glen Cove.
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1835 print of Captain John Bonner's map originally published in 1722. Shows the "footprint" of all the buildings in Boston. Wharves, hills, and shipyards are located and named. Also shown: rope walks, watch house, burying place, schools, the Common, copper works, and tall ships in the harbor. A chart gives the dates when many buildings were built, and when great fires and small pox epidemics occurred. No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
This attractive map shows the streets in Boston, with many buildings identified by a chart. Some adjacent parts of Charlestown, Cambridge, Roxbury, Dorchester and East Boston are shown. No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
This map is dedicated ÒTo His Excellency William Burnet, Esq. This Plan of Boston in New England is humbly dedicated to His Excellency - most obedient and humble servant Will Burgis.Ó A chart shows the location of 12 churches, The Town House, Governours House, South Grammar School, South Writing School, North Grammar School, North Writing School, Alms House and Bridewell, as well as the dates of Great Fires. No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
This hand-drawn map of Winthrop, Massachusetts (MA), shows street names, U.S. Mortar Batteries, tracks and stations for the B.W. & S. Railroad. No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
Published by J. H. Colton in 1855, this map shows street names in Boston, South Boston, East Boston, Charlestown, Cambridge and Roxbury. Some buildings are identified in Boston (North Market, South Market, Custom House, etc.). No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
This map gives a list of names keyed to addresses on the map. (Professors and their residences?)
$12.00 - $18.00
This reproduction shows the Dorchester area from a larger map in the 1889 Atlas. No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
This reproduction shows the Brighton area from a larger map in the 1889 Atlas. No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
Originally published in London November 30, 1781, by J. Bew. This map shows the coast from north of Nahant Point to south of Point Alderton, and west to Roxbury and Dorchester. No family names. No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
This is mainly a map of the Boston harbor, the coast and islands from north of Nahant to Rainsford or Hospital Island on the south, with Cambridge and Brookline on the west. No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
Footprints of houses shown but no family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
1854 Charlestown map (From Felton & Barker's Plan.)
$12.00 - $18.00
Two small maps from the 1857 "History of South Boston; Formerly Dorchester Neck, now Ward XII of the City of Boston," by Thomas C. Simonds, published in 1857 by David Clapp, over 184 Washington Street, Boston. The two South Boston maps are reproduced on one sheet. The 1775 map is titled "Plan of Dorchester Neck - Drawn for the use of the British Army in 1775." The second map is titled "Plan of South Boston in 1857." The 1857 map shows street names, but no family names. The 1775 map shows the Twin Hills, Harrington's barn, Harrington's House, Dea. Blake's House and Barn, 3 Gun Battery, J. Wiswall's house, Dea. Blake's Orchard, The Barracks afterwards Oliver Wiswell's House, Foster Orchard, Williams' House, Hook or Fosters Hill, Foster House, Nook Lane, Bird House, Farrington's House, etc.
$12.00 - $18.00
Cambridge map, Massachusetts
Old map of Cambridge, Massachusetts (MA). Corrected & Prepared by J. G. Chase, Civil Engineer. No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
From the 1874 Atlas of the County of Suffolk, Volume IV. No family names.
$12.00 - $18.00
(west of the Boston and Lynn Horse Car Rail Road, Broadway or Salem Turnpike - abutting Malden, Everett, Chelsea and Saugus) Reproduced from the 1874 Atlas of Suffolk County, Volume IV.
$12.00 - $18.00
(southeast of the Boston and Lynn Horse Car Rail Road, Broadway or Salem Turnpike and showing the parts of Revere that abut the coastline as far north as Atwood Street and on the south to the Winthrop line, BreedÕs Island, and the Chelsea line). Reproduced from the 1874 Atlas of Suffolk County, Volume IV.
$12.00 - $18.00
(showing the section of Revere from Broadway or Salem Turnpike on the west, with the Pines River and Saugus on the north, Revere Beach on the east, to just south of the Revere Beach Horse Rail Road on the south). Reproduced from the 1874 Atlas of Suffolk County, Volume IV.
$12.00 - $18.00