
Franklin County Maps

Reproduced from the Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts, published by F. W. Beers in 1871.
1871 Map of Franklin County, reproduced from the Beers Atlas of Franklin County.
$15.00 - $21.00
A handsome old historical map of Monroe, reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Old town map of Heath, MA, reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
This handsome old map of Leydon and Coleraine was reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
This historical old map of Bernardston was reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Old map of Northfield, MA, reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Originally reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA), this old map of Warwick, MA shows the family name on each house.
$15.00 - $21.00
This historical old map of Charlemont was reprinted from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Historical old map of Hawley, Massachusetts, reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
This old map of Buckland, Massachusetts, was reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Historical map of Shelburne, MA, reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
This old map of the towns of Gill and Greenfield was reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
This old town map of Irving and Wendell was reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Historical old map of Orange, MA, reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
A handsome old map of Ashfield, Massachusetts. Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
An old map of Conway, Masaaschusetts, reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Historical old map of Deerfield, reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA). The town of Montague includes the villages of Turners Falls, Millers Falls and Montague City. 
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
This old map of Turners Falls was reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
This interesting old map of Whately, Massachusetts, was reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
This handsome old map of Sunderland and Leverett, Massachusetts, was reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
A handsome old map of Shutesbury, Massachusetts. This map was reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
An old map of New Salem, MA, reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Franklin County, Massachusetts (MA).
$15.00 - $21.00
This old map was drawn to accompany Drake's Old Indian Chronicle, and was compiled chiefly from a Survey of 1774. It shows the areas frequented by the Nipmuck Indians from Sunderland, Vermont on the northwest, to Plaistow, New Hampshire on the northeast; and from Takonik and Sheffield, Massachusetts on the southwest, to Easton, Massachusetts on the southeast. Many brooks and rivers are named. For instance, these are shown feeding into the Connecticut River: Gold River, West River or Wantastitouch River, Whitstone River, Ashuelot River, Bennets River, Stony Branch, Miller River, Papaguntiquash Branch or Millers River, Saw Mill River, Pakumptuk River, Mohawks Branch, Muddy Brook, Mill River, Colemans Brook, Fort Brook, Batchelors Brook, Sawmill Brook, Butter Brook, Willimanset River, Chikabi River, Sunsbank Brook, Long Meadow Brook, Freshwater Brook, Saltonstal, 3 Mile Brook, Agawam River, Parkers, etc.
$15.00 - $21.00